Dental Care - Simple Techniques of Brushing Teeth

Renuka Vadher


Cleaning is of utmost importance in maintaining teeth. For this it is necessary to brush in a true scientific manner. Most people brush up on their enemies as if they were going to war. Let's know the ideal method of brushing teeth

Ideal Method of Brushing Teeth.

Teeth Should be Cleaned at least Twice a Day. 

It is very important to brush your teeth at night than in the morning. If the food particles of the night remain in the teeth, then during the whole night time, the bacteria will have an open ground and the acid generated from these food particles will cause decay inside the tooth and if it is already there, it will become more crooked.

The Most Important thing for Cleaning the Teeth is the Choice of Brush. 

The brush should have soft bristles and these bristles should be straight and not curled. Often, if the brush is used too much, the hair becomes stiff and bent, so it is necessary to change the brush every three months. Stiff bristles can damage teeth and gums while a brush with twisted bristles may not clean properly.

Always Keep The Mouth Open While Brushing. 

To clean upper jaw and lower jaw teeth separately. It is not possible to combine the teeth and rotate the brush together.

Position the Brush 

At a 45 degree angle over the teeth and then rotate the brush from top to bottom for upper teeth and from bottom to top for bottom teeth. Gently rotate the brush with the mince. A tooth is not a dirty cloth that needs to be rubbed and polished, so there is no need to rub it too hard. Remember that only trapped food particles are to be removed by brushing. If the natural colour of your teeth is yellow, then rubbing will not whiten and on the contrary the enamel will be damaged due to wear.

Three minutes

Time is enough to brush the teeth. This does not require much time.


It is necessary to rinse after eating or swallowing.

While brushing, it is equally important to clean the inner and outer surfaces of the teeth and the space between the two teeth and the grooves. The teeth should run from bottom to top and top to bottom on the row.

Toothpick or needle to keep space between two teeth clean vs. Never use If this is not possible with a simple brush, use dental floss or an interdental brush.

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