Soy Protein Vs Whey Protein

Renuka Vadher

What is Protein?

Proteins are very important macronutrient which is formed in chained Structure of amino acids. Amino acid importance in The Human DNA health is described in my Previous Blog called The Human DNA with Amino Acid.

               As we all know Protein has many health benefits to human body. It acts as energizer and building blocks, rebuilding new tissue, workouts, surgery. Your body uses protein for enzymes production to support digestion, energy production, muscle contraction and blood clotting. It also supports your immune system, helps in transporting nutrients to cells, maintains fluids, and helps to sustain proper pH level.

Protein is best food for Body but which type of Protein Diet is required and more important Plant base or Animal base.

Plant Base Protein Diet

Protein that derived from Plants, Main Source of protein as:

· Grains

· Beans

· Nuts

· Legumes

· Quinoa

· Wheat

· Chia Seed

· Soy

                     Soy products are especially rich in protein as well as vitamins and minerals. Soy products contain phytoestrogens, which reduces the risk heart disease, and breast cancer. But some of those options can be very expensive. And we can easily get all nine essential amino acids from plants base Proteins by combining different foods. Plant base Protein are as good as animal protein they are having more fibre and amino acids and are in many variety, with no issues of Availability.

Animal Base Protein Diet

The protein derived from animal is known as Animal Base Protein.

· Fish

· Eggs

· Chicken

· Turkey

· Diary Product Whey 

                 Which are complete source of Protein where some animal by products are sources of protein as dairy products, cheese, milk, and whey. Animal Diet sources also have important nutrients, including vitamin B12, iron called heme. But highly processed animal products should be less nutritious than others and might be unhealthy for overall health.  

Now days we have many options available in the market where proteins are been concentrated and isolated form with extra vitamins and minerals added. Protein need of Human Body depends upon their body structure, their lifestyle; Gender, age etc and every person had different needs of protein but to make it simple we can categorize them to get optimal benefits.

Benefits of Plant Base Diet

·     Plant based diets shows lower blood pressure compared to animal protein diet.

·    Studies suggest that people with vegetarian diet have lower risk of Stroke, Cancer and heart related issues. But not all plant based diets are equal, and all plant foods are good to go for heart. Any fried vegetables and refined grains are having higher risk and less Nutrients

·   Vegetarian diets also benefit for sugar management especially for type 2 diabetes. Where plant foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and vegetable oils are particularly associated with a significantly decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of Animal Base Diet

·    Eating fish regularly has many health benefits and it lowers the risk of heart diseases   as best source of OMEGA.

·    Eating animal protein increases lean muscle mass and reduce muscle loss with aging.

·    Red meat is a considered as complete protein source while, Processed red meat consumption can have increased risk of heart disease. However chicken, turkey, fish have no risk to be consumed. 



·    Both animal and plant proteins are best source of Protein and have some drawbacks. Many People consider only Plant base foods and others are only animal base.  

·    But we should focus on to stay healthy by eating variety of rich nutrition either they are plant base or animal base in any form concentrated or isolated.

·    Your first aim to give your body proper Nutrition as per the lifestyle and body conditions for eg: Bodybuilders, weight Gain & weight loss proportion of protein is different. 


      We should always consult with doctor before make major dietary changes which can affect your health. A dietitian might suggest your meal according to your lifestyle that you want.

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