Life of Human DNA with Amino Acids.

Renuka Vadher


What is Amino Acid?

Scientifically we can say that Amino acids are organic compounds which are composed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and some time it has sulphur. Majority of amino acids are synthesized properly in adequate quantities by the body, but sometimes the body does synthesize them because of uncertain physiological state. Thus it need to be consumed through the diet and body makes an essential amino acid by hydrolyse the protein to create D-peptides and tri-peptides and it absorbed in your guts & circulated into your blood stream where they are needed.

Types of Amino Acid in Human DNA?

There are hundreds of amino acids exist in the nature but most important are the primary amino acids which comprise protein. In Human DNA 20 primary amino acids and 9 of them are essential. 

Importance of Amino Acid in Human Body.

Human body binds together different Amino acids to form Proteins and they are very important for life. This amino bonding process varies from person to person base on their genetics, And Proteins which are formed contribute in majority of chemical reactions and provide structural elements of a cell at every corner of your body, and binds cells together into tissues. Some protein elements helps to make movement possible where some are for the transportation of vital nutrients from extracellular to its inside intracellular actives. Proteins also found in the form of antibodies that protect you from disease and, in the form of interferon, mount an intracellular attack against viruses that have eluded destruction by the antibodies and other immune system defences. Many hormones are proteins, last but certainly not least, proteins control the activity of gene expression.

We can see people who are undernourished or mal-nutrition have issues with their energy and glucose Production where people with good nutrition state have proper circulation & storage of proteins. And the process of protein formation and degradation continues all the time and is known as Protein Turnover. Unused amino acid compounds are usually released in the urine. If Any Person has undergone fitness training after long time. His body respond as, The ingested amino acids will be diverted to protein synthesis. so that the micro-injured muscle can begin recovery and begins to develop.

Protein Turnover

Protein Turnover is the replacement of old broken proteins with new one in the cell. Different proteins have different turnover ratios. Protein turnover is decreases with age in all organisms and humans as well. These results in an increase in the amount of damaged protein within the body in Child bearing age body needs high nourishment for growth of body at adult age you need sustained nourishment to maintain your body. Balance between protein generation and degradation is important for healthy and normal metabolism for humans.

Protein turnover is essential and that is why we always try to leave the body with enough nutrients. Mainly with enough protein intake which are plant base or animal base. Some are consumed in the natural form or concentrated or isolated as their needs.


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