4 Simple Way to Relieve Stress Quickly

Renuka Vadher

      Stress is a normal reaction of a body when there is a change in it resulting in its reactions physically, mentally and emotionally, everyone is suffering from any kind of stress so its effect is seen on his body, if you want to keep your body healthy, it is necessary to be stress free.

Stress is a normal reaction that happens to every human being and in fact our human body is prepared to feel and react to stress. When our body experiences a change or challenge our body produces physical and mental responses does and that it means is stress.

Stress responses help our bodies adjust to new situations. Some stress can also be positive, alerting, motivating and preparing us to avoid danger. For example, if we have an important work is coming up then stress response helps our body to work harder and stay awake longer. But stress becomes a problem when we are not active and during those periods of stress so it becomes harmful for our body.

What happens during stress?

When stress in the body increases, the body's autonomic nervous system begins to change our heart rate, breathing, and vision. The built-in stress response, the "fight-or-flight response," helps the body cope with stressful situations.

When a person is stressed for a long period of time, the constant activation of the stress response causes wear and tear on their body and so physical, emotional and behavioural symptoms develop. Such as Chest Pain High blood pressure, weak immune system, Anxiety or irritability, Depression etc...

So Here Some 4 Easy Strategies for Stress Relieve!

Listen to music

            Music can lift our mood and cheer us up, calm and relax our mind. Music is an important part of our life it allows us to feel all the emotions we feel in our life. So anyone who is in a stressful situation should take a break and listen to good relaxing music.

              Listening to calm and soothing music has a positive effect on our mind and body. This lowers our blood pressure and can reduce the cortisol hormone, which is linked to stress. Try to listening the sounds of the ocean or nature that will give you a relaxing effect.

Laugh it off        

         Laughter increases your intake of oxygen-rich air, which stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles and increases the endorphins released by the brain.

          Laughter releases endorphins that improve our mood. Reduces the cortisol and adrenaline hormones stress. So whenever we feel stressed we should watch some good comedy movie or comedy show which helps our nervous system to cheer you up.

Be mindful

Mindfulness is the best therapy for stress relief that helps people who practice mindfulness study better manage stress, cope with serious illness, and reduce anxiety and depression. 

People who practice regular mindfulness practice increase their ability to relax. Shows more enthusiasm for one's life and increased self-esteem.

Sleep Better

We all know that stress makes us lose sleep. If we don't get better sleep, it also becomes the main cause of stress and due to this it has side effects on our brain and body and over time it can become more disease.

That is why doctors suggest us to sleep for seven to eight hours. So if you're looking to de-stress, cut down on the screening time before bed, turn off the lights, and relax your body to get a good night's sleep and relax your mind and body. It is the most effective stress buster on our list.

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