Find Ideal Weight on Your Fingertips

Renuka Vadher


Many people have question that 'how much should be my weight?' or what is normal weight?'

Ideally weight is determined by the average weight of healthy people living in that community. But with that weight determination varies according to the different country, region and in some countries, if many people are overweight than they should be, the average weight in that country is also higher.

A person whose weighs is 20 percent more than the ideal weight from the point of view of health can be said to have obese. However, before making this diagnosis, it must be ensured that there are no causes of weight gain other than fat (e.g. any diseases like thyroid, Hormonal etc).


Methods to check Ideal Weight

An adult's weight is directly related to his height. Average weight for each height varies. Therefore, to know the ideal weight, it is necessary to know the height first.


Simple and Easy Formula

There is an even simpler (but less accurate) way to estimate your ideal weight by measure your height in centimetres and then deduct 100 from it.


For Example your Height is 170 cm deducting 100 gives 70kg.A person weight should not be more than 70kg. The weight thus obtained is slightly less than the maximum weight indicated in the table. But this method is very easy to remember and if a little less weight is set for the upper limit, one can prevent obesity already.

For this method your weight should not be more than 1000 kg.


The Body Mass Index (B.M.I.) Formula

A formula called Body Mass Index (B.M.I.) is used to determine whether weight is normal or not. According to this formula, the number obtained by dividing a person's weight (kg) by the square of his height (meters) is known as Body Mass Index (B.M.I.).



For Indian people it should be between 18 to 23.If the body mass index is more than 23 in Indian people it is known as 'overweight' and if it is more than 25 it is known as 'obesity'.

E.g. If a person height is 1.60m, weight is 90kg, Then height should be squared as 1.60*1.60 =3.20 and put this two figure in formula out come will be 28.125.


Other Methods


Waist to Hip Ratio

  Estimation body fat based on height, weight, and waist-to-hip circumference. Every adult should measure their weight and waist circumference every month if they want to avoid obesity. 

As soon as there is an increase in either of these two, it is necessary to be alert and take appropriate measures. Fat loss efforts often fail when too much weight is gained or the trap becomes too large.


Medical Help

With the help of sonography, total body fat and fats on different organs can be determined. This method is expensive, although sonography costs less than a CT scan or MRI examination. In another method, heavy water is used to estimate the amount of radio labelled water in the body. 

Another way is to measure the amount of potassium in the body with the help of radio labelled potassium. After that fat is estimated with the help of special formulas.


Being careful not to gain weight or belly from the beginning is a very important health-related precaution.

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